10 top tips to help an elderly relative, friend or neighbour as we approach winter

As the weather becomes colder and the clocks change there are many things that can be done to ensure that the elderly can stay as safe as possible inside and outside their homes.


1.     Don’t let leaves and other garden debris build up on pathways and doorsteps, slip hazards like these can increase their risk of falling.

2.     Before the mornings and evenings close in – check all their inside and outside lights are working, Change light bulbs if needed and ensure they have spare bulbs in case of an emergency.

3.     In areas where you are concerned that there is a risk that a relative, friend or neighbour could become off balanced, consider having grab rails installed. These can be fitted in areas like bathrooms, staircases, adjacent to internal steps, outside front or back doors. (Bristol Home Therapists can carry out a risk assessment and advise on the right equipment)

4.     If you or your relatives, friend or neighbour have decked/ patios areas, consider whether you need to jet wash/ clean the areas to ensure that they are not slippery.

5.     Check the rubber bottoms of walking sticks or Zimmer frames to ensure that they are not worn though. These can be replaced easily and at low cost. It may be worth requesting an assessment to check if this is the most suitable walking aid for you if things have changed.

6.     Make sure that their shoes are in good condition and provide adequate grip.

7.     Make sure that all floors are clear of trip hazards. Ensure that loose rugs are secured appropriately. A fall assessment may be worth thinking about to minimise your risks within the home.

8.     Exercise is importance for both your physical and emotional wellbeing. Completing regular exercise throughout the day is vital to ensure maintenance of strength and balance. Please seek guidance from a qualified Physiotherapist or Occupational therapist before exercising.

9.     Struggling to take out the bins on bin day? Would some strength and balance exercises help you to improve your outdoor mobility? Consider contacting the council to see it they offer a door collection service.

10.  As the nights draw in and the weather becomes inclement your social activities may reduce. Local council and volunteering teams may offer a befriending service where you can talk to someone over the phone. www.ageuk.org.uk and www.Bristol.gov.uk are useful websites that offer information on services.


Bristol Home Therapists is a private joint Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy service with expertise in falls prevention and rehabilitation. Please get in touch if you would like mobility / equipment or home assessments, or if you would like to discuss how a strength and balance exercise program could help someone you care about. For more information on how we could help please check out our services page, or call us on 07541452218.


Helping others to stay well, happy and active


Bristol Home Therapists