Bristol Home Therapists was founded with the purpose of helping people to achieve their potential regardless of their circumstances.

We are a private practice offering joint and individual Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy assessment and treatments in the comfort of your own home including care home setting. Joint therapy saves our patients and their families time and hassle when it comes to organising individual Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy support. Rehabilitation looks at you as a whole helping you to maximise your potential.

The benefits of joint therapy

Our “one stop shop assessment”  in your own home avoids duplication of information and individual assessment visits, saving you time and allowing you to start your rehabilitation plan in a seamless and joined up way.  We travel to you, allowing you to be refreshed and ready for a session and saving you the frustration and energy expenditure a journey to a clinic can cause.

It is widely recognised within the health setting the great benefits of a joint therapy approach, combining the skills of both therapists to establish joint treatment plans to enable fulfilment of goals.

Living a fulfilling life is not just about you doing exercise, it is about you being able to complete your activities of daily living as independently as possible while incorporating activity and function into your daily routine.

With over 40 years of experience between us working for the NHS, we have been able to identify the importance and benefit of a joint occupational therapy and physiotherapy assessment and rehabilitation programme.

Bristol Home Therapists acknowledges that the current NHS waiting lists for community rehabilitation are often far too long due to the many other demands being placed on the therapists time. This can often lead to deconditioning or deterioration in an individuals function and the need for increased help from family or carers’.

Whether you’re an older person, live with a chronic condition or simply want practical advice and solutions, we can help you. Our service is for people whose everyday challenges get in the way of living a satisfying life.  Our practical and professional approach is designed to help you.


Contact us.

If you would like to know more about Bristol Home Therapists and how our combined Occupational and Physiotherapy team can help you, or a family member, please get in touch.