Helping others to stay well, happy and active

The first six months of working full time for our own business has been amazing. Louise and I have loved every minute. There have been so many highs and achievements. We have been able to work as the therapists we want to be, helping people to achieve the goals that they have set.

These have included:

  • Enabling a client to return home after a short stay in a nursing home following a hospital admission.

  • Mobilising with a client with a new walking stick outside for the first time who had been housebound for many months.

  • Encouraging a client who lives in a nursing home to sit out in his chair to enable him to play cards with his family and talk to them over zoom/ face time.

  • After practising transfers with a client, they are now able to transfer independently resulting in their care package being reduced.

  • Listening to a client relay the joys she felt after she achieve the goal of getting in the car to be able to go out with her friends and family which had not been possible up until that point.

  • Seeing the delight and happiness on a client and their families faces when they sit out in a wheelchair and play a board game with the grandchildren after being bed bound for a long time.

  • Providing advice on adaptations and equipment within the home and garden to reduce the risk of further falls.

  • Seeing the joy on the face of a client who can confidently mobilise around their home and complete activities during the day due to completing the recommended strength and balance exercises.

Louise and I look forward to seeing many more achievements and smiles. Please get in contact with Bristol Home Therapists if you would like any further information or would like to book an assessment.


Staying mobile and active


10 top tips to help an elderly relative, friend or neighbour as we approach winter